General Information
I am currently a physics Ph.D. student at Purdue University. I graduated from my undergraduate studies at Notre Dame University - Louaize with a B.Sc. in mathematics.
Personal Information

Date of Birth:





English, Arabic, French, German
Research Interests
My primary research interests are in mathematical physics and theoretical high energy physics. Particularly, I am interested in approaches to quantum gravity, string theory, and black hole physics. Additionally, I am also interested in quantum computing, quantum information theory, quantum algorithms and complexity, computational physics, dark matter, dark energy, machine learning, deep learning, and artificial intelligence.
My Story
The statement "ex nihilo nihil fit" (nothing comes from nothing) has filled me with awe since my middle school days when I was first exposed to the beauties of physics and mathematics. Despite their seeming complexity, the methodologies that map the universe possess a paradoxical simplicity.
With an artist father, I was encouraged to learn digital art skills like graphic design, video editing, web design, and animation from a very young age. In my early teenage years, as most teenagers, I was obsessed with comic books and sci-fi books and movies. It wasn't until the topic of time travel started peaking my interest that I began questioning its possibility in our universe. My life took a pivotal turn when I discovered the 3Blue1Brown channel in high school. Fueled by an insatiable curiosity, I voraciously consumed advanced physics textbooks, thousands of math and physics videos from channels like Veritasium , Vsauce , minutephysics , Numberphile , and Scienceclic . Inspired by 3Blue1Brown, I taught myself Python to create intuitive animations that simplify complex problems, starting with integration and moving on to Ramanujan's works and the Gamma function. I later added C++, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and R to my repertoire.
As a student of physics and mathematics in Lebanon, where these fields are rarely explored in depth, I constantly ponder my future prospects. The lack of research institutions in my country has propelled me into a digital-centric lifestyle with programming at its core. In 2021, I taught middle and high school physics for a year, covering mechanics, electricity, thermodynamics, gravitation, and optics, but found it consuming too much time better devoted to my studies and programming.
My social goal is to creatively communicate physics and math concepts, while my career aspiration is to make significant contributions towards unresolved problems in these fields that have vexed many before me.